Technical symposium with Sartorius on 8 June 2023 in Alès

LFB BIOMANUFACTURING site in Alès in the Gard region of France opened its doors on 8 June for a Technical Symposium with its partner Sartorius.

Nearly 50 experts in the field of biomanufacturing came together to find out about:

  • New approaches to intensified continuous USP and DSP processes,
  • Latest-generation equipment (Biostat STR50L Gen3 bioreactor, Ambr 250 mini-bioreactors, Streamlink, Sartoflow SP, BioSMBPD continuous chromatography system),
  • LFB BIOMANUFACTURING’s production and process development infrastructures.

After an introduction by Herbert GUEDEGBE, Site Director, participants were able to appreciate the presentations of Sartorius technologies by Max Olivier-Broquet (USP intensification), Thomas Prouzeau (concentration and diafiltration Single pass TFF in continuous mode), Geoffrey Pressac (chromatography in continuous mode) and Benoît Di Martino (storage, freezing of Drug substance). The Alès site’s process development teams rounded off the program with case studies presented by Coralie Bernon and Gabriel Fisicaro (USP technologies), David Balbuena and Ludovic Bouchez (DSP processes)

The event was also a convivial occasion, bringing together industry experts and other players in the field to share experiences. Guests also enjoyed a visit of LFB BIOMANUFACTURING industrial units.